Naked Eye illusion

Enhance your visibility during a congress

Createen is always a step ahead when it comes to digital innovation and the Cosmetic 360 show in Paris is the perfect opportunity to illustrate it. After 6 successful editions (Hololens, AR, olfactive VR, 360°…), we wanted to step away from immersive experience. Greentech asked Createen to craft a Cutting-Edge 3D animation and we naturally went for Naked eye 3d illusion.

A pioneer in plant biotechnology, GREENTECH develops and produces high-tech active ingredients for cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals, from the plant, marine and microbial worlds.

After a 5 years partnership, we wanted to offer Greentech a state of the art animation that would ensure a significant impact for their brand. During the last edition, Createen designed an amazing animation that reveals Greentech universe, through this very new technology of Naked eye 3 illusion.

Nature as you have never seen it before!

You have project and want to use 3D Naked eye illusion to catch people attention?

Project Credits
Project Date
October 2023
Cosmetic 360
Catch attention during an event
Sourcing of Natural Active Ingredients
Naked eye illusion
Innovation Director
Project Manager
Artistic Director
3D Producer
How we did it?

For every project we undertake, we ensure that we first fully understood the main every single details and objectives and create a truly meaningful solution with our client.

We have a wide range of skilled people, from engineers, developers to designers which gives us almost unlimited possibilities to develop unique solutions for various needs.

In the meantime, our very experimented creative team craft amazing animations that perfectly reveal client’s identity.

Our objective is to create a unique and specific digital solutions for clients using the best technologies available on the market.

Here, the objective was to provide visitors of the Cosmetic 360° show a very ludic experience and ensure a significant impact.

We created a Naked eye 3D illusion animation to offer an incredible experience on site. Naked eye illusion videos are typically videos or visual content shared on social media platforms that use various optical, visual, or cognitive tricks to create intriguing and sometimes misleading visual effects that can be perceived with the naked eye, without the need for special equipment or 3D glasses. These videos often go viral due to their ability to captivate and surprise viewers.

You want to catch your audience?

Meet Createen and its marketing leading solutions for cosmetics and perfumes.

For press conferences and influencers, Createen has invented innovative digital video brochures and video boxes to offer a premium box with samples inside. At the opening of the box, a video is automatically displayed to promote the cosmetics.

We have invented the very innovative Olfactory Virtual Reality for perfumers and retails. We connect the Virtual Reality experience to a multi sensorial air freshener, and depending on what you do in the game, you will smell the perfume accordingly.

For retails and flagship stores, we have invented interactive video POS display, digital signage, and holograms, to help businesses stand out and capture the attention of target audience.

We also have developed a partnership with Pharmaflix, to provide Cosemtic brands with Cutting-Edge 3D Illusion Signage in Over 550 Drug Stores to ensure a significant impact for their brand.

Createen, with 15 years of experience in crafting 3D scientific animations for cosmetics, and Pharmaflix, which has established a robust network in pharmaceuticals and advertising within drug stores through digital signage, have joined forces to provide an innovative solution for promoting cosmetic products across France.

Marketing & Communication

Createen's team demonstrated creativity, responsiveness and enthusiasm in carrying out the project. Their technical and scientific expertise was a major factor in the success of this first collaboration, which has paved the way for new projects
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